Planning for the future may often be daunting. However, having a valid Will is essential in safeguarding the interests of your loved ones after your death.
Our Approach
Our Wills & Probate Practice is dedicated to ensuring that your wishes and the needs of your loved ones are met through proper estate planning and setting up of trusts. We offer a wide range of will writing services, ranging from simple to complex estates and cater for various personal circumstances and assets located in Malaysia and outside of Malaysia which include foreign stocks, investments and properties amongst others.
Further, following the passing of a loved one, the legalities involved following a death in the family can also be overwhelming. Rest assured that here at RDS, we are well-equipped and ready to assist as we offer various legal services in relation to the administration of a deceased’s estate including:-
Applying for a grant of probate or a letter of administration in the High Court
Applying for a Small Estate Distribution order
Resealing a Grant of Probate or Letter of Administration obtained in a Commonwealth country in the High Court of Malaysia
Applications for caveats
Rendering legal advice in relation to the administration of a deceased’s estate including the duties and responsibilities of an executor or administrator
Rendering legal assistance in the distribution of assets, whether situated locally or overseas to beneficiaries
Handling contentious matters such as:-
Disputing or defending the validity of a will
Initiating an action for the grant of probate or letters of administration or revocation of the same
Initiating or defending claims for improper estate administration
Filing various applications in the High Court on behalf of an executor or administrator or persons with an interest in the deceased’s estate