The growing number of goods and services passing through Malaysian borders has increased exponentially with the rapid development of e-commerce and globalization.
Our Approach
Our team at RDS advises corporations in helping them minimize risks and navigate issues relating to cross border transactions. With our excellent commercial knowledge and extensive experience in Malaysian trade policies, we are able to advise our clients using a holistic and practical approach
We provide legal trade expertise in the following areas:
Trade remedies (anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, anti-profiteering and safeguards)
Tariffs and non-tariff-based trade barriers
Customs (import and export) control
Trade agreements (bilateral and multilateral)
Free trade agreements
Trade dispute and litigation
Product compliance
Trade regulatory and compliance
Combatting Counterfeit Products (Intellectual Property Rights)
International Trade Agreements and WTO disputes
Customs forfeitures and seizures
Value and Costs of Voluntary Self Disclosures
Boundaries of Permissive Searches at the Border
Related Party Transaction
Human Rights Due Diligence in the Supply Chain